High school: I only told my mom. But she didn’t suggest I
tell others. I was embarrassed.
Because I figured you kiss a lot of frogs before finding a
Because I was manipulated so badly, I thought it was
partially my fault. Many times.
Because it was my roommate’s boyfriend and didn’t want her
to know. She'd be mad at me.
Because I didn’t know it was a crime. Just a jerk.
Because I stopped him from raping me. So I thought “nothing”
Because I didn’t know who to tell. Many times.
Because I was mortified.
I called the police, but the police didn’t find them.
Because it happened so fast I couldn’t even process what
Because it happened to my friend, and she didn’t call it “rape”.
So it wasn’t my story to tell.
I told our mutual friend, and he told me to stay away from
him. End of story.
Because this “first” felt like a violation. I didn’t know
how it “should” feel.
#jamestoback Because it was just a “conversation”. I was
lucky to never be alone with him.
Because I thought my situation was unique. It didn’t occur
to me he was doing this to many others.
These are not hypothetical. These are mine. What are yours?