Many people have been asking me about my recent trip to
Sedona, AZ. If you’re not familiar with the fame of Sedona, then I’ll catch you
up a little. It’s one of the most photographed spots in the West, giant red
rock mesas that are famous for having spiritual “vortexes”, little pockets of
energy on top of mountains where people pilgrimage to meditate and have
spiritual experiences. That’s a lot of pressure for a person to commit to going
somewhere to have a religious experience…but 1000’s do it every year, just like
Also, I’ve never even
been to AZ before. So this was a great opportunity to see the landscape, by
myself, and just see what happens…for 24 hours.
I flew into Phoenix, grabbed my
rental car, and set off for the 2 hour drive to Sedona. All along the way I was
seeing tons of cacti, and wishing I could take pictures. I also saw a very
monochrome landscape with no mountains in sight. And as I approached Sedona, I
thought, ‘this is crazy, what, I’m going to round a corner and suddenly, Pow,
there will be Sedona Red Rocks?” And then I laughed out loud because that’s
exactly what happened, no more than 30 seconds later. I stopped at the first
rest stop to take pictures.
After stopping for
lunch, I went right to my first planned hike: Airport Loop. This is a 3.5 mile loop
that has vistas of many famous sites, plus some of the famous vortexes.
Although, the vortexes are not marked. And so there were MANY people aimlessly
wandering and asking each other, “Do you know where the vortexes are?” I
thought it was so silly, but we definitely needed a big sign with an arrow
saying, “MEDITATE HERE!” I had notes on
where things were, and when I started my hike, I had, what I THINK is one of
the vortex spots to myself. So I plunked down on a rock and meditated, just
trying to be completely mindful of all 5 senses. And I have to say, I did feel
like I was on a ship, with an under current of movement around me, and a breeze
that seemed to answer me, and a peacefulness that I don’t normally have. It was
a brief moment, but what more could I have wanted?
At this point, I’ve
walked about 30 minutes into a 2 hour walk. I know I have several choices, and
I’ve had these same choices in life before:
1) Quit.
Turn around. Give up. Go back. Be mad. Still have the edge on one side of me,
possible death.
2) Keep
going. Know that if people died a lot on this hike, they PROBABLY wouldn’t keep
the trail open.
3) Decide
that THIS is part of the spiritual experience.
It is beautiful
there. Quite majestic and unique. The silence is beyond anything I’ve
experienced. I’m from New York City.
When you go through your apartment door from outside, you realized that your
ears are ringing very loudly. And there’s always a hum of electronics and
street noise, even in my Los Angeles
apartment. So this is pretty amazing. I can hear my own thoughts…not something
I tend to enjoy. So, I alternate between trying to convince myself that I will
survive, being mad at the websites and guides for not warning me, being mad at
myself for getting myself into this position, being completely terrified and
crying, and somehow, trying to enjoy and learn from this experience.
Interesting things happen. As I think of people…they start texting me. Or I
text them and they’re having similar experiences where they are. Pretty cool. I
make it all the way around and back to my car. I sit in my meditation spot
again for a moment, no magical moment again, but that’s OK.
At this point, I
check into my stunning Bed & Breakfast, The Lodge at Sedona. I have picked
a room they call, “Whispering Wind” and I realize, I really hope it doesn’t
whisper to me at night. It has a Jacuzzi tub, which I use twice. It has its own
patio area, where I sit to watch the stars at night, it has lovely staff, which
make me an allergy friendly breakfast, it has a gorgeous Labyrinth in the
backyard, and it evidently has ghosts…which I will now explain. Again, is this
all part of the Sedona experience?
By some amazing coincidence,
there’s a restaurant in Sedona (and Flagstaff,
where I’m about to go for 5 days) called, Picazzos. They are primarily a gluten
free restaurant. This restaurant is walking distance from my B and B. I am
happy. I turn off all the lights in my room, and walk to a nice dinner. When I
return to my room, all the lights are back on. Nothing else seems touched. That’s
weird. I remember the Inn Keeper saying she’d be gone by 7, and I didn’t leave for
dinner til 8. I keep looking around my room to see if anything’s been moved,
but no. I sleep very well, but wake up about 6am because I thought I heard
distant music, almost like wind chimes near my room. It only plays for a
moment, and then I hear a knock at my door? A nearby door? No one knocks again,
but I figure these 2 things are a sign for me to get up and go on a second hike
while I have time.
First, I go to the
main room of the B & B to say that I might miss breakfast, because I’m
leaving now, but also to ask about the lights. The Inn Keeper and the Cook go
white. The Cook says, “You know, the Lodge has been known for ghosts?” I did
not know that. The Inn Keeper insists that no one could have gone in my room to
put lights on, because no one who works here was still around. When I mention
the music and the knock, they both are absolutely sure that I have the ghost.
But they try to make me feel better, “Don’t worry, the ghost only goes to the
people they like, nice people. They’re friendly.” Great. I go back to my room
and enter with an accusatory index finger, “LISTEN! I don’t want any funny
business. (pause to change tactics) I’m sorry. This is your house, I’m a
visitor. Please don’t scare me. But if there’s anything you need from me…somehow
let me know. We good?!” No answer. I guess so. And there was no more funny
I go to Cathedral
Rock, and on a recommendation, abort my effort to climb straight up after about
20 minutes, and instead, take the Templeton Trail, a flat trail, both ways for
about 20 minutes each. Very different views from yesterday, but perfect spots
for meditation and yoga. Done. Checked my TO DO list off. And took over 100
pictures along the way.
I check out of my
hotel and start the leisurely drive up to Flagstaff.
It’s only 20 miles away, but I hear I’m going through Oak Creek and passing some nice spots and
shopping, so I should continually stop and take photos…which I do. I also see
snow along the way. It’s 70 degrees, people are in shorts. But there’s snow on
the ground. I will never understand the West.
Flagstaff is another story. I’m there for a
film shoot. Staying in a “castle” on a man made lake with a bunch of college
students to make a fake James Bond short film. Great film. Talented kids. Crazy
castle. Also took a ton of photos. And, as with most film shoots, I have a LOT of free time to just relax, read, whatever.
So that’s my AZ trip.
Check Sedona off my bucket list. I hope to go back, with friends, alone, do
different walks, eat at Picazzos, and maybe stay at the Lodge again. But this
time, not the room with ghosts…unless they follow me. Sigh.
More photos on my facebook page.